Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Join us for In-Service!, Films on Demand, and other Video Tools

Hello Faculty!

Join us in the library on Wednesday or Thursday this week to learn about our new video resources, along with some of our favorites, and how they can be applied in your classroom.

·         Session 1: Wednesday, January 16 – 11:00 am to 12:30 pm
·         Session 2: Thursday, January 17 – 12:30 pm to 2:00 pm

See below for a session description and register in MyTalent. Hope to see you there!
Bring Courses to Life with New Videos

As we make the move to Canvas and think more intentionally about captioning, now is the perfect time to start replacing or adding new films in our online and face-to-face classes. Over the past few years, the library’s digital film collection has grown to over 200,000 strong and spans all CVTC programs and departments. In this session, we will demonstrate best practices on incorporating films in Canvas, introduce you to our newest video databases, Lynda and MedCom, and revisit some favorites.

Bonus - the majority of this session will be work time for you! Librarians will have their sleeves rolled up, ready to help you get your hands on that hard-to-find resource, even if it’s a DVD or not in our collection. Join us on our journey to bring new life into our courses!

Monday, January 14, 2019

Got Textbooks?

Send us a copy to checkout to students!

·       During the 2017-2018 school year we checked out 170 textbooks over 1,252 times – a 42% increase from the year before.
·       The need is greatest during the first few weeks of classes.
·       We see requests throughout the semester for texts, including courses that are not located at the Business Education Center.
·       You can search for textbooks by instructor last name, course name, course number, or title by searching the catalog.
·       For a quick, 30 second tutorial on how to check to see if we have your textbook you can view this video.

Why do students check them out from the library?

·       They are waiting for delivery for their purchased copies.
·       The bookstore is out of stock.
·       Their textbook becomes lost or stolen.
·       They forget their copy at home.
·       They might not be able to afford their own copy.
·       They might have extra time between classes to get ahead and they don’t have their textbook with them.

What else can the library help with?

Q: Do you checkout technology to students?
A: Why, yes! We checkout laptops, iPads, cameras, calculators, and more. View our equipment checkout guide for more info!

Q: Do you come to our classroom?
A: Absolutely! We can help your students navigate the information world by helping them find reliable resources and real news for their assignment. We also crash boot camps!

Q: Do you come to our “virtual” classroom?
A: You bet! We can develop customized course guides for your assignment, class, or even program.

Q: Can you help me find open or supplemental resources for my class?
A: Sure! Send us an idea of what you’re looking for and we’ll get started. Title suggestions are always welcome as well.

Q: Where can I find a list of new titles (books and movies)?
A: Check out our New Titles page – includes book descriptions and movie trailers. Updated weekly!

Q: Can you help find videos for my classes?
A: Definitely! View our Digital Films & Media guide or contact us and we’ll get started.