Monday, February 18, 2019

New Nursing/Health Programs Video Database

The library has recently added Nursing Education in Video to its collections.

This database consists of hundreds of full-length training videos from Medcom-Trainex, created specifically for the education and training of nurses, nursing assistants, and other healthcare workers. The videos cover the fundamentals through more advanced topics, from anatomy to basic clinical skills, medication administration, and more.

All of the videos in the collection have been created with the guidance of the Medcom-Trainex advisory board, and are regularly reviewed for accuracy, currency, and compliance with US Federal regulations from agencies such as OSHA and CMS. They are widely used in nursing courses and hospitals. Additionally, the videos are fully captioned and can easily be embedded into Canvas courses.

This is a trial subscription for the next year. At the end of that time, the library will look at usage statistics to make sure it warrants our funds. If it proves to be a valuable resource for our students and instructors, we'll continue our subscription into future years.

Access Nursing Education in Video here, or through the CVTC library's database list, or CVTC library's OneSearch (screenshot below). Please reach out to Nicole Breed, health and education librarian (, for questions or demonstrations.