Monday, July 17, 2023



CVTC Librarians Attend National Library Conference

Librarians from CVTC had the opportunity to attend the annual American Library Association (ALA) conference in Chicago last month. Over 25,000 library, museum, and information services employees worldwide attended the event to share with and learn from each other.

CVTC librarians attended sessions on new or rising technologies, innovative spaces, collection and patron trends, and DEIB. In addition, they had the opportunity to hear from authors, publishers, and vendors about forthcoming work. CVTC also sponsored a press publishing table at the conference to highlight the work of the Open RN project to promote student affordability.



Top photo: Jen Cook, CVTC Librarian (right), and Carla Hayden (left), Librarian of Congress
Bottom photo: Vince Mussehl, CVTC’s library director, touring the University of Illinois - Chicago’s innovative learning center in the library

Questions about the conference? Stop by the library or email the Library team.